Fields – Childlist

A childlist displays a list of records of a specific concept. The user can select a specific record and load the selected record to allow the user to edit the data. The ability to right-click a record is also available, which will display a list of available commands/events/wizards that can be executed on the selected record. This avoids the need to load the record and manually execute commands/events/wizards.

A screenshot showing a childlist table, complete with full headers and footers, showing a table of concepts within a trellispark form

Below is an example of the field definition for a childlist:

  • Do you need custom data
    • Determines if you’re getting your data from a target or not. If set to Yes then the Target field will become visible.
  • Add new records
    • Determines if you want to enable the add new item button. If set to Yes then additional settings for the add new item button will be visible. A Child Concept Type must be specified to add new records.
  • Child Concept Type
    • Determines the type of records that are listed in the childlist so when the add new item button is selected it will create a new record of the same type. Either a concept or wizard can be specified.
    • Important Note: If the childlist is on a concept then a concept or wizard type can be selected, if the childlist is on a wizard than only wizards can be selected.
  • Add New Item Button Position
    • Determines where the add new item button will be positioned on the childlist.
  • Customize Add New Item Text
    • Determines the text on the add new item button. If left empty then it will default to “Add new (name of item selected in Child Concept Type)”.
  • Add search component
    • Determines which search component will be used on the childlist, if left empty no search component will be used.
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: If a search component is specified then a stored procedure must also be specified. The stored procedure must be configured to correctly use the search parameters to filter the data.
    • Learn more about available search components here or learn how to create your own search components here.
  • Allow Filtering
    • Determines if the childlist will be filterable.
  • Default Page Size
    • Determines the number of records displayed per page by default on the childlist.
  • Show Refresh Button
    • Determines if the Refresh button is visible on the childlist.
  • Show Grid Settings Button
    • Determines if the Settings button is visible on the childlist.
  • Show Export Data Button
    • Determines if the Export button is visible on the childlist.
  • Custom Instance Window Title
    • Determines if you would like to override the default window title when you open a record in the childlist in a popup window. If Yes then the Instance Window Title field becomes visible.
  • Instance Window Title
    • Determines the title on the popup window when a record in the childlist is opened in a popup window.
  • Open Instances in popup window by default
    • Determines if a record in the childlist should be opened in a popup window or not when it’s selected.
  • Pager Position
    • Determines the position of the pager on the childlist.
  • Childlist Size
    • Determines the overall side of the childlist, default has more padding and things are more spaced out, compact things have less padding and things are more condensed.
  • Where do we get the data for this control
    • This field is currently not used and is intended to replace the Stored Procedure field in a future update.
  • Suppress Commands/Events/Wizards
    • A comma separated list that determines which commands/events/wizards are suppressed (if any). Suppressed items will not be visible in the right-click menu.
  • Target
    • Determines the target that will be called that returns the data for the childlist.
  • Restrict row click by condition
    • Allows you to specify conditions that if met will restrict row click functionality.
  • Restrict add new button visibility by condition
    • Allows you to specify conditions that if met will suppress the Add New Item button.
  • Enable Data Auto Refreshing
    • Determines if the data will refresh automatically after a specified period of time.
  • How often should the data auto refresh
    • Determines how often the data will be automatically refreshed.

The Child List Columns field allows you to specify the different columns that will be added to the childlist.

When data is being returned for a childlist from a target only the bare minimum amount of data is returned. For Example if you have a target that is getting data from TSQL and it’s returning 5 columns of data only the columns that have a matching column definition will be returned, the others will be discarded.

The only columns that will always be returned (assuming the target populates and returns them) are Hierarchy, InstanceGUID, and InstanceName.

A screenshot of the creation form for a childlist column in trellispark.

Each column must specify the following fields:

  • Column Sequence
    • The order of columns from left to right, 1 being the first or furthest column to the left
  • XML Field Name
    • The name of the XML element that will store all the column data. This field must not contain spaces
  • Column Subtype
    • The type of data displayed in the column. Specifying an accurate data type will provide accurate filtering options for the column. Most fields, such as strings, will use the subtype Data, but field types that require specific formatting or filter options such as DateTime, HTML, or Numeric fields will have to be specified to enable filtering controls specific to their data type
    • If the Column Subtype is set to DateTime and the date value in the column includes a time portion then the datetime is assumed to be UTC time and is converted to the users local time. If no time portion is specified then no conversion is done.
  • Is Visible
    • Determines if the column should be visible to the user viewing the childlist or not. This is useful when non-human readable data needs to be included in the childlist but doesn’t make sense to display it
  • Column Header
    • This is the name that will be used for the column, this should be a human readable version of the XML Field Name value
  • Column Width
    • This allows you to manually specify the width of the column as a percentage

There are a number of optional fields on the childlist column as well:

  • Horizontal Alignment
    • Determines how the title and text should be aligned horizontally within the column, whether it should be left aligned, right aligned, or centralized
Individual childlist cells can have the data positioned to the Left, Right, or in the Center
A diagram showing the possible positions text can be displayed within a cell
  • Cell Style Name
    • The name of column returned by the TSQL that will contain the raw CSS to be applied to the cells in this column
  • Cell Class Name
    • The name of the column returned by the TSQL that will contain the class name to be applied to the cells in this column
  • Data Format
    • Only applicable to columns whose data type can be formatted, such as dates. This allows the user to determine what information should be displayed and how it should be formatted for these data types
Updated on January 30, 2024

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