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Address Field

The Address Field contains multiple text fields to hold the various pieces of an address such as street name, country, and other address pieces.

Specific fields can be made required, which means they must contain a value before being able to save the form.

Specific fields can be disabled, which means they won’t be displayed on the form.

Buttons are made available to get the address coordinates, and to display the address on a map in a popup window.

Note: The “Display On Map” button is only available only after clicking the “Get Coordinates” button.

The text that is displayed when the fields are empty can be overridden, as well as the text on the buttons.

Screenshot of the address field
Screenshot of the address field with a popup of the address displayed on a map

Required Fields

The fields selected from this drop down menu will be the address fields that will be required to have a value before being able to save the form. If no fields are selected, all fields will be optional and won’t require a value in order to save the form.

Disabled Fields

The fields selected from this drop down menu will be the address fields that won’t appear on the form. If no fields are selected, all fields will appear on the form.

Get Coordinates Button Text

Overrides the text on the button that displays the address coordinates. This should be a short phrase that clearly states what will happen when the user clicks the button. If this field is left blank, the default button text will be “Get Address Coordinates”.

Display On Map Button Text

Overrides the text on the button that displays the address on the map (only shown after the Get Coordinates button is clicked). This should be a short phrase that clearly states what will happen when the user clicks the button. If this field is left blank, the default button text will be “Display On Map”.

Empty Text Fields

Overrides the placeholder text that is displayed when the fields are empty. This is used to suggest a value to the user, or prompt them with instructions on what to input in the field. If a field is left blank, the default empty text will be the text displayed as a placeholder in that field.

Updated on August 20, 2024

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