The DateTime and Calendar Fields are used to allow the user to select a single date and/or time, or a period of time on which an event has or will occur.
Depending on the selected field type, the date selection can be either text-based, where the selected date is displayed as text (DateTime and Period Fields), or visually represented within a calendar, with the chosen date(s) highlighted (Calendar Field).
Specific formatting can be specified for the date/time to display the date/time in a custom format.
There are three fields in the DateTime and Calendar category:
- DateTime
- Period
- Calendar
The DateTime Field is used to specify an individual date, time, or combined date and time on which an event has or will occur.
If the time is displayed, it will be displayed in the user’s local time zone, and will be saved as UTC time in the database.
Specific formatting can be specified for the date/time to display the date/time in a custom format.
A default value can also be specified to suggest a specific value to the user.

Show Elements
Determines whether this field will display as a date, time, or a date and time.

Custom Data Format
Determines the formatting of date/time value.
Refer to Microsoft’s Standard Date and Time Format Strings for a formatting guide.
Default Value Type
Determines what the default value will be. This is the value that the user will see upon landing on the page.
If a specific date/time should be suggested to the user, enter it here.
If a default value shouldn’t be displayed, select “No Default Value”.
- No Default Value: Does not apply a default value to the field.
- Current DateTime: Sets the default value to the date/time that the instance the field is on was created.
- Target Result: Uses a target to return the result to use as the default value.
Note: When specifying a default value, only the type specified in “Show Elements” will be displayed. For example, if “Show Elements” is set to “Time”, only the time portion of the default value will be used.
Default Value Addition
Only applicable when “Default Value Type” is set to “Current DateTime”.
Can be used to specify a number to manipulate the default value in conjunction with the “Units to Add” field.
The number entered in this field will be treated as the type of unit specified in the “Units to Add” field, and will be added to the default value.
For example: if the default value should be 5 days after the record was created, set “Default Value Addition” to 5 and “Units to Add” to Day(s).
Negative values can also be added, which will be subtracted from the default value.
For example: if the default value should be 3 days before the record was created, set “Default Value Addition” to -3 and “Units to Add” to Day(s).
Units to Add
Only applicable when “Default Value Type” is set to “Current DateTime”.
Specifies how the “Default Value Addition” field will be applied to the default value.
For example: if the default value should be 5 days after the record was created, set “Default Value Addition” to 5 and “Units to Add” to Day(s).
Default Value Target Result
Only applicable when “Default Value Type” is set to “Target”.
Specifies the target to return as the default value.
The Period Field is used to specify a date range and/or time range during which an event has occurred or will occur.
If the time is displayed, it will be displayed in the user’s local time zone, and will be saved as UTC time in the database.
Specific formatting can be specified for the dates/times to display the dates/times in a custom format.
Default values can also be specified to suggest specific values to the user.

Show Elements
Determines whether this field will display as a dates, times, or a dates and times.

Custom Data Format
Determines the formatting of date/time value.
Refer to Microsoft’s Standard Date and Time Format Strings for a formatting guide.
Default Value Type Start
Determines what the default start value will be. This is the value that the user will see as the start value upon landing on the page.
If a specific date/time should be suggested to the user, enter it here.
If a default value shouldn’t be displayed, select “No Default Value”.
- No Default Value: Does not apply a default value to the field.
- Current DateTime: Sets the default value to the date/time that the instance the field is on was created.
- Target Result: Uses a target to return the result to use as the default value.
Note: When specifying a default value, only the type specified in “Show Elements” will be displayed. For example, if “Show Elements” is set to “Time”, only the time portion of the default value will be used.
Default Value Type End
Determines what the default end value will be. This is the value that the user will see as the end value upon landing on the page.
If a specific date/time should be suggested to the user, enter it here.
If a default value shouldn’t be displayed, select “No Default Value”.
See “Default Value Type Start” for more information on each option.
Default Value Addition
Only applicable when “Default Value Type Start” or “Default Value Type End” is set to “Current DateTime”.
Can be used to specify a number to manipulate the default value in conjunction with the “Units to Add” field.
The number entered in this field will be treated as the type of unit specified in the “Units to Add” field, and will be added to the default value.
For example: if the default value should be 5 days after the record was created, set “Default Value Addition” to 5 and “Units to Add” to Day(s).
Negative values can also be added, which will be subtracted from the default value.
For example: if the default value should be 3 days before the record was created, set “Default Value Addition” to -3 and “Units to Add” to Day(s).
Units to Add
Only applicable when “Default Value Type Start” or “Default Value Type End” is set to “Current DateTime”.
Specifies how the “Default Value Addition” field will be applied to the default value.
For example: if the default value should be 5 days after the record was created, set “Default Value Addition” to 5 and “Units to Add” to Day(s).
Default Value Target Result Start/End
Only applicable when “Default Value Type Start” or “Default Value Type End” is set to “Target”.
Specifies the target to return as the default value.
The calendar field is used to display a calendar and allow the selection of dates.
A restriction can be set on the minimum and maximum dates, meaning the user can be restricted to selecting a date/range inside a specified date period. Disabled dates can also be specified, meaning the user won’t be able to select a specified set of dates (even if they are within the minimum and maximum dates).
The top and bottom level views are customizable, allowing navigation of the calendar by month, year, decade, or century both at the top level and within the calendar itself. Week numbers can be displayed when the bottom view level is month.
The date selection type can be set to a single date, multiple dates, or a date range.

Selection Type
Determines the type of selection that can be made on the calendar.
- Single Date: The user will be able to select one date only.

- Date Range: The user will be able to select a range of dates.

- Multiple Dates: The user will be able to select multiple dates. To select consecutive days, click on the first day, hold down the Shift key, and then click on the last day. To select non-consecutive days, hold down the Control key and click on each day you want to select.

Show Week Numbers
Only applicable when “Bottom View Level” is set to “Month”.
Determines if the week numbers will be displayed.

Top View Level
Specifies the highest view that the calendar can be navigated by.
Depending on how far the user is expected to navigate back in time, it is recommended to select “Month” for a few months, “Year” for at least a year, “Decade” for at least ten years, and “Century” for at least one hundred years. This ensures quick navigation for the user to reach the desired date.

Bottom View Level
Specifies the lowest view that the calendar can be navigated by. This must be set to a lower view level than the “Top View Level” in order for the calendar to display (for example, a “Bottom View Level” can only be set to “Month” or “Year” if the “Top View Level” is set to “Decade”).
- Month: The user will be selecting date(s).

- Year: The user will be selecting month(s).

- Decade: The user will be selecting year(s).

- Century: The user will be selecting decade(s).

Minimum Date
Specifies the earliest date that can be selected by the user.
Maximum Date
Specifies the latest date that can be selected by the user.
Disabled Dates
Specifies what dates the user will not be allowed to select, even if they’re within the Minimum/Maximum date range.