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  3. Frequency Field

Frequency Field

The Frequency Field allows a user to set how frequently an action should occur. Options include minute, hour, day, week, month, or year intervals. Users can also specify a start date and limit the frequency to a certain number of occurrences. This field provides flexibility in scheduling repetitive tasks or actions.

The Recurrence Pattern determines how often the frequency is set to repeat. For example: if the frequency should repeat every two months, select “Monthly”, and enter 2 in the “Recur every x month(s)” field.

The “Start Date” sets the day the frequency starts.

Multiple options are available to set the end date:

  • End after occurrences: A number of occurrences are set, and the frequency will end once the number of occurrences set has occurred.
  • End by date: A specific date is set, and the frequency will end by the set date.
  • No end date: No end date will be set, and the frequency will repeat indefinitely.
Screenshot of the frequency field
Updated on August 26, 2024

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