The QR Code Field is used to generate and display a QR code. The QR code value can be set using a static value, target, or XML element.
An encoding type can be specified for the QR code that defines how the value should be treated.
The QR code’s size, border, color, and background color can be customized.
Encoding Type
Select the encoding type of the value of the QR Code. This will determine how the QR code value is treated.
If left blank, the QR Code value will be treated as plain text.
Value Type
Determines the data source type for the QR Code.
Static Value
Only applicable when “Value Type” is set to “Static”.
A static value that will be used as the QR code value.
Where Do We Get the Data for This Control?
Only applicable when “Value Type” is set to “Target”.
Contains the target information of the target that will be called to get the QR code value.
XML Element
Only applicable when “Value Type” is set to “XML Element”.
The name of the XML element of the field that should be used as the QR code value. The selected field must contain a value to ensure the QR code displays correctly.
Determines the colour of the QR Code. Any valid CSS, HEX, or RGB value is accepted.
For example, to set the colour to blue, “blue”, “#0000FF”, or “rgb(0, 0, 225)” can be used.
Background Colour
Determines the background colour of the QR Code. Any valid CSS, HEX, or RGB value is accepted.
For example, to set the colour to blue, “blue”, “#0000FF”, or “rgb(0, 0, 225)” can be used.
Size (px)
Determines the size of the QR Code in pixels (px). This will be used as both the width and height. This size includes any pixels specified in the “Border Size (px)” field.
For example, if this field is set to 200px and the border is set to 50px, the QR code itself will measure 100px by 100px, with a 50px border on all four sides. The total size will be 200px by 200px.
The recommended size for easy scanning by devices is 76px, not including the border.
Note: The minimum size allowed is 29px. Any size smaller than this will cause the QR code to not render.
Border Colour
Determines the border colour of the QR Code. Any valid CSS, HEX, or RGB value is accepted.
For example, to set the colour to blue, “blue”, “#0000FF”, or “rgb(0, 0, 225)” can be used.
Border Size (px)
Determines the size of the border of the QR code in pixels (px). This will be used as both the width and height. The border size is included in the total QR code size defined in the “Size (px)” field.
For example, if the size is set to 200px and the border in this field is set to 50px, the QR code itself will measure 100px by 100px, with a 50px border on all four sides. The total size will be 200px by 200px.
Note: The maximum border size allowed is: (size / 2) – 14.5. For example: if the total size is 200px, the maximum border size is 85.5px (200/2- 14.5 = 85.5). Any border size larger than this will cause the QR code to not render.