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  5. Get Started: UX Creator App

Get Started: UX Creator App


The UX Creator application is used within trellispark to create and edit the concept, portal, and application forms and fields that are used to build a trellispark functionality. It uses trellispark code generation engine to build functioning pages from a set of basic forms that can be populated by business or technical users.

This type of code generation is used to simplify the process of UX design or changes, allowing you to add basic fields to a form, edit or move these fields, or delete them entirely from a single, centralised location that does not require direct code changes.


The UX Creator is accessed from the left navigation menu and will open a list of available workspace functionalities. You can create new functionalities to design your own custom user experience.

NOTE: Great Ideaz strongly recommends that no changes are made to the code in the Server Owner or Workspace Owner functionalities, as they control the code generator that builds every page in the application.


To get started, create a new functionality to hold any applications or portals you will want to create. This can be done using the + Add new Functionality button at the top of the table of functionalities:

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated

This will create a blank functionality, like this:

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated

The new functionality will require its own prefix and name to identify which functionality the forms have been created in. Forms can be created in the form tab, and may be either a concept, application, or portal.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated

For more information about these types of forms and what they can do, review the UX Creator articles

Updated on June 3, 2024

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