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Manage Users in Your Workspace

Existing users in a workspace can be managed under System Administration > Users.

Activate/Deactivate a User

Invite a New User

To add a new user to a workspace, see How to Invite Users to a Workspace.

Activate a User

Once a new user has accepted your invitation, they will appear in the users table on the Users page. If a user is set to ‘Inactive’, they must first be activated to login to their portal. To set a user to ‘Active’, right click on their name, and select ‘Activate’.

Deactivate a User

To deactivate a user, right click on their name in the users table and select ‘Deactivate’.

User Security & Privacy

User security and privacy are top priorities for us, and we suggest you treat them with the same importance to ensure your product’s security.

Internal Users

When you share an invitation link for an internal user role, the default user state is set to inactive.

The reason that this secondary step is in place is to ensure the privacy and security of your organization’s internal data. When sharing a link, there is always a risk of interception, which we aim to protect against. This means that if someone accidentally gains access to the invitation link, they won’t be able to complete the registration and access your organization’s data until an administrator manually approves them.

External Users

When you share an invitation link for an external user role, the default user state is set to active.

This ensures that customers can log in effortlessly, providing a seamless and efficient experience.

The default configurations mentioned above can be altered; however, we strongly advise against doing so. Proceeding with caution is crucial to protect your organization’s data and ensure your product’s security.

Remove Failed Logins (Unlock a Locked Account)

If a new user has reported that their account is locked, you have access to remove the failed logins and reset the number of login attempts they have. By default, accounts will lock for 30 minutes if a user exceeds 5 unsuccessful login attempts.

To remove failed logins, right click on the user’s name in the Users table and select ‘Remove Failed Logins’. The user will now be able to attempt to login.

Note: Don’t forget to activate new user accounts. New user accounts must be activated before the user can login to their portal. If a user’s status is still set to ‘Inactive’, they won’t be able to login.

Delete a User

To delete a user, right click on the user’s name in the User’s table and select ‘Delete’.

Warning! Once a user has been deleted from your workspace, it will no longer have access to login to its workspace portal.

Make Workspace Owner

What is a workspace owner? A workspace owner has access to a set of advanced features such as storage, themes, AI connections, etc.

To make a user a workspace owner, right click on the user’s name and select ‘Make Workspace Owner’.

User Data

Data about users in a workspace can be accessed under System Administration > Users, under the Dashboard tab.

The following data can be viewed:

  • Growth of Total Active Users Per Month
  • Top 10 Most Active Users by Login Last Week
  • User Login Frequency Last Week
  • New User Sign-Ups Per Month

User General Settings

To configure a user’s name, email address, and/or default application or portal, click on the user’s name in the Users table, and navigate to the General tab.

User Applications

Applications are the entry points to various functionalities and data that the user will see under their navigation menu on the lefthand side. The user will have access to the applications assigned to them.

To assign applications to a user, click on the user’s name in the Users table, navigate to the Applications tab, and use the Applications Assigned to User table.

User Roles

User roles define what functionality the user has on the records they have access to.

To assign roles to a user, click on the user’s name in the Users table, navigate to the Roles tab, and use the Roles Assigned to User table.

User Groups

Groups enable access to a specified subset of records – they can be used to configure the records that a user can see. If a user is a member of a group, they can see the subset of records assigned to that group.

To assign a user to groups, click on the user’s name in the Users table, navigate to the Groups tab, and use the Groups Assigned to User table.

User Configuration

To configure the configuration parameters that the user has set within their account, click on the user’s name in the Users table, and navigate to the Configuration tab.

Parameters defined on this page override the application’s default settings. If the user made a mistake that is irreversible from their end, changes can be made on this page by deleting or overriding the parameter.

Manage Portal Users

To manage portal users, a Manage Portal Users field can be added on a portal. For more information on how to use the Manage Portal Users field, refer to this article.

Updated on August 14, 2024

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