
The Instance page uses the AuthenicatedLayout to setup and is only accessible when the user is authenticated. If the user attempts to open the Instance page without being authenticated, they are immediately re-directed to the index page of the UX-WASM-xxx authentication websites so that the user can be authenticated.

The Instance page determines the overall structure of a dynamically rendered page by controlling the placement of the following top-level Blazor components located in the Layout folder:

  • Header
  • CommandBar
  • Navigation
  • TabBar
  • Footer
Basic diagram depicting the layout of the components on the instance page.
A practical example of what the component layout looks like on the instance page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Navigation isn’t its own component and is instead built directly into the Instance page to provide a rich and flexible left-hand navigation using the Telerik Drawer component.

The Navigation portion contains the left-hand navigation and list all applications the logged in user has access to along with their bookmarks (if they have any). The navigation can also be expanded/collapsed by selecting the hamburger menu icon in the top left. Next to the hamburger menu icon will be the Form Name that’s currently loaded along with a Learn More icon which when selected will display a popup window that contains all help related to the page that’s currently open.

The Instance page also uses the FormBuilder service to construct a user experience which combines the required version of the instance data (latest by default) and the FormDefinition required to display it. The MyInstance parameter passed to the top level components on this page is the net result of the FormBuilder service defining a user experience to be rendered.

When the user first enters a workspace they will navigate to their default application. The default application can be overridden if the user has a configuration parameter called OverrideDefaultApplication and its value is the instance guid of an application. The typical use case for this is to set a configuration value on the Invite User concept with an alternate application new users will initially load, such as a Getting Started application. You would need to include your own workflow to remove that configuration from the user a some point ideally in this example.

Updated on May 31, 2023

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