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Styling Form Definitions

Form definition-level styling is used to apply custom styling to a specific form, ensuring it has a unique appearance. For global styling options, see the Styling Options in trellispark article.

Creating CSS Classes

Custom CSS classes at the form level are configured on the form’s styling tab.

Screenshot of a form's styling tab

The CSS Classes field is where CSS classes and styling properties can be added to add to the form.

Screenshot of the CSS Classes field

The CSS Classes field is treated as a CSS stylesheet, meaning raw CSS code should be entered.

Screenshot of the CSS Classes field with some example code entered in the field

AI can also be used to generate CSS style properties by clicking on the sparkles icon.

Screenshot of the CSS Classes field sparkle icon

Applying CSS Classes

Once CSS classes have been defined under the styling tab, they must be applied to fields on the form. There are two areas where CSS classes can be added to a field on a form: the field descriptions and the field component itself. The Readonly Content field also allows for an additional area of styling.

Field Descriptions

Each field definition contains two fields where a top and bottom description can be added to the field.

Screenshot of the description above field and the description below field fields

When content is entered in the Description Above Field field, the content is inserted below the label (if it exists) and above the Field.

Screenshot of a description above the field

When content is entered in the Description Below Field field, the content is inserted below the Field.

Screenshot of a description below the field

The Description Above Field and Description Below Field fields treat content as raw HTML, meaning HTML tags and CSS classes can be added directly in these fields. To apply a CSS class to one of the description fields, define the desired HTML element where the styling should be applied, and add the CSS class to the element.

Screenshot of example HTML code is entered in the description above field, with a CSS class applied. It also shows the rendered result on the field.

Field Component

Depending on the field type, CSS classes can be applied to different parts of the field. To view the available areas for styling, navigate to the field definition’s styling tab, and scroll to the bottom of the page to the CSS Classes information accordion.

Note: CSS applied to fields will override any conflicting styles at the form level, app.css, and in the Telerik theme.

Screenshot of the styling tab on a field definition
Screenshot of the CSS Classes information accordion

Inside this article will be all the available CSS classes that have already been added to different parts of the field component by default.

Screenshot of the CSS classes added by default to the string field

There are two ways to add CSS styling to these specific parts of the field component.

Common Styling for Multiple Fields

To add common styling, meaning the style(s) will be applied to all fields that contain the specific component on the form, use the class name as it is, removing “CUSTOM”.

For example, if wanting to target the string field’s input field where the class is StringCUSTOM_Input, use String_Input as the CSS class. This CSS class can then be added to the form’s CSS Classes field to target all the string input fields on the form.

Screenshot of the CSS Classes field with a blue background property applied to the .String_Input class
Screenshot of an example form with three string fields, all with blue backgrounds

Custom Styling for Selected Fields Only

Custom CSS Class Names

To add styling to selected fields only, enter a unique CSS class name in the Custom CSS Class Name field, under the field’s styling tab.

Screenshot of a custom CSS class name entered in the Custom CSS Class Name field

Then, use the class name for the specific part of the component to target, replacing “CUSTOM” with the custom CSS class name.

In the example above, if wanting to target the string field’s input field where the class is StringCUSTOM_Input, use StringBlueBg_Input as the CSS class. This CSS class can then be added to the form’s CSS Classes field to target only that specific string’s input field.

Screenshot of the CSS Classes field with a blue background property applied to the .StringBlueBg_Input class
Screenshot of an example form with three string fields, where the first one has a blue background

To apply the same style to other fields, add the same custom CSS class name (in this example, “BlueBg”) to the field’s Custom CSS Class Name field. That field will then also take on the same styling defined.

Note: It is recommended to use unique CSS class names to avoid overwriting any pre-existing classes essential for the default layout. Overriding an existing class within the project may cause issues with the default page configuration.

Basic Styling

Basic styling can also be applied to a field to only affect that specific field’s styling. Basic styling can be accessed at the top of a field definition’s styling tab.

Basic styling for the Field, Label, Descriptions, and Control can be configured by entering CSS properties and values in the basic styling fields. CSS entered in these fields will override the default styling for that particular field.

Field Style

Applies to the Field container.

Screenshot of a background color applied to the Field

Label Style

Applies to Field Label.

Screenshot of a background color applied to the label

Description Style

Applies to both the Top and Bottom Field Descriptions.

Screenshot of a background color applied to the descriptions

Control Style

Applies to the Field’s Control element.

Screenshot of a background color applied to a Field's control

See “Custom CSS Class Names” above for more targeted styling on the Field’s Control.

Note: Certain Field Definitions do not support basic styling on the Control. Here is the list of Fields that don’t support basic styling on the Control: Barcode, Chart, ChildList, Dictionary, Document, Frequency, Gauge, PowerBI, QRCode, ReadOnlyField, ReadOnlyText, Report, Scheduler, Select Item. Any CSS added to the Control Style Field for these types of Fields will be ignored. See “Advanced Styling” below for more options on styling these Fields’ controls.

Basic position adjustments can be made for the Red Asterisk, AI Enhance, and Help Content Button. They can be positioned to the left or right of the Label, Field Content, Bottom Description, or Top Description.

Screenshot of the different positions for asterisk, AI enhance, and help button

Red Asterisk Position

If the Field had been made required, a red asterisk will be displayed. Where should the red asterisk be positioned, if visible?

Screenshot of red asterisk

AI Enhance Position

If AI Enhance has been turned on for the Field, sparkles will be displayed. Where should the sparkles be positioned, if visible?

Screenshot of AI Enhance sparkles

Help Content Button Position

If Help Content has been added on the Help Content Tab, a help button will be displayed. Where should the help button be positioned, if visible?

Screenshot of the help button

Readonly Content Field

The Readonly Content Field is a unique field in the sense where it allows users to create HTML/CSS content on the form.

Updated on August 30, 2024

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