AI Enhance

AI Enhance components are used to interact with AI Connections to generate things such as text and files. To learn more about setting up an AI Connection or adding AI Enhancement to a field refer to the Generative AI category.

All AI Enhance components with ask for user feedback after a response has been generated to determine if the generated response was useful or not. The user can then additionally provide a summary of why the response was useful or not. All this information is saved to the AI Request Log record.

Below are the various AI Enhance components and their purpose.

Text Completion

The Text Completion component is used to interact with an AI Connection to generate text from a prompt. The component allows for a prompt description to be specified to help the user know how their prompt should be crafted along with the estimated token count for the prompt. Once a response is generated it will be displayed along with a button to copy the response to the users clipboard.

Text To Speech (TTS)

The Text To Speech (TTS) component is used to interact with an AI Connection to generate an audio file from the text specified in the Text field along with showing the current character count. The component allows the user to specify the Voice, Model, and adjust some additional settings for how the voice will be generated.

Once a file has been generated a media player will be displayed where you can listen to the file and download it. A Save to Field button will also be displayed which will save the generated file to the UploadFile field in the background.

Updated on July 24, 2023

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