ChildList Export

The ChildList Export component is only used by the ChildList component to export data from the childlist to Excel and CSV formats.

Component Code

The first portion of the code section contains all the parameters and variables that are required to pass information between the ChildList and ChildList Export components so it can properly function.


This method is used to update the ChildList component to prepare it to export data. This method will create and send a Dictionary<string, object> to the ChildList component that will be parsed and the childlist will be updated accordingly.

If the user is attempting to export 10K or more records then a confirmation dialog is displayed. A potential new grid state is added to the dictionary and the new page size is added.

DisplayAllRecords(bool value)

This method is called when the Export ALL records checkbox is toggled. It’s purpose if the bool value is true is to update the number or records to export to equal the total number or records in the dataset and call UpdatePageSizeForExport(). If the total number of records is equal to 10K or more then a confirmation dialog is displayed to confirm the user wants to export that many records.

If the bool value is false then a Dictionary<string, object> is created and returned to the ChildList component that will undo any changes made from the export window and reset the grid back to its default settings.

ExportButtonPressed(string targetButtonClass)

This method is called when one of the export buttons is selected. The purpose is to make a call to the JavaScript clickButton function located inside the helper.js file.


This method is called when the window is closed and is used to properly dispose the component.

Updated on December 28, 2022

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