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  3. Migrating Functionality Between trellispark Environments

Migrating Functionality Between trellispark Environments

You can extract an XML representation of all your components within your Functionality into a single versioned XML document. Then import your version-controlled Functionality into another trellispark installation.

A common practice is to install several trellispark environments including Development, QA/Test, Staging and Production.

We recommend that you make changes to customize your Functionality in the Development environment. Once you have a consistent build, extract the Functionality to XML and use the filename to reflect its version. At Great Ideaz, we typically set the filename to the Date/Time that the Functionality was extracted (for example 2021-09-28-1440.xml).

We then recommend that you only import the version-controlled file into the other environments starting with QA/Test where you need to verify that everything still works as intended and you didn’t miss any components. Most commonly we find that people forget to add all the T-SQL they need. Fix any errors in Development and then re-export a new version of the Functionality and try again in QA/Test. Once you have a clean deploy to QA/Test, try it again in Staging. If Staging works as expected finally import the Functionality into Production.

After you have imported new Functionality into a trellispark installation you should clear out the cached Application State and regenerate the T-SQL to ensure that all future page loads use the new components.

Example Video

Updated on July 30, 2024

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